24th June 2019

Film Response

The curious case of Benjamin Button was a fascinating and creative short story turned into a deep knowledgable movie with very close similarities to the Great Gatsby another story by Fitzgerald. The movie wasn’t very appealing to my eyes at first but once I got to understand the story line and the struggles the main character Benjamin was going through brought the movie together for me with emotions and joy. Being one of Fitzgerald’s stories it showed some key reflections towards the similarities in the Great Gatsby. I noticed that the way Benjamin had been trying to win daisy ever since he meets her is similar to the way Gatsby felt about Daisy. Another similarity was the build-up to Daisy accident was the same with myrtles death both accidents were caused by prior events building up to the one outcome. But the final similarity I noticed between the two was how they both saw the mocking bird when thinking about one another and how in the Great Gatsby this was the green light on Daisy’s dock and how it symbolised hope and his future with Daisy.

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